Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Next Steps

The Summer Executive Meeting will be at Regina's house on July 26, 2010 at 12:30 PM for lunch. More details will be forthcoming in early July but save the date now so you can attend.

The first meeting of the year will be at the Valley Library on August 30, 2010 at 5 PM. This meeting I have planned and intend to continue with the "Favorite Things for $10 or Under" from last year. Be prepared to explain why your choice is best. Candie's Catering will serve us again this year.

Regina will be seeking committee chairs this summer, so if you see her name on your caller ID, please pick up. (I need all the help I can get!) It will be painless!

Officers 2010 - 2012

President - Regina Franks

1 st -Vice President - Christie Wiltz

2 nd - Vice President - Cindy Horn

Treasurer - Ann Figgemeier

Recording Secretary - Judy Sherrell

Corresponding Secretary - Sue Collins

Historian - Pam Penrose

Parlimentarian - Sherri Talbott

Happy Summer!

I hope everyone has had a good school year. The students thought they were looking forward to summer, but I remember the countdowns in teacher's lounges also. The joy of that last day and knowing summer is ahead of you is shared by all in education. Relax and enjoy the wonderful time that is very near.
The Rose Tea was small in number but large in fun. We had no initiate but we had good food and friends to enjoy. A big THANK YOU to Jeanne Rothermel for the use of her home.
The Retirement Celebration /Officer Installation went very well, thanks to Jane Lowery and Deb Padgett. "Peggs" is an excellent place for just this type of get-together.
Best Wishes to Judi McBride on her retirement and future move to Florida. Thank you, Judi. for all your time and effort given to Gamma Tau.

Retirement Celebration/Officer Installation