Thursday, February 18, 2010

An assortment of items

  • You should be seeing 2 forms in your buildings. They were sent to each building contact if no representative from the building was at the February meeting. Look for the "Recommendation for Membership" and "Scholarship for Classes" forms. Both are due at the March 8th meeting.
  • Have you taken classes in the past year and would you appreciate $250 to help with the cost? Fill out the Scholarship form and return it to in the yellow evelope so it gets to the March meeting with your building representative. Click on the link in the side bar if you are not sure who that is. Do you know a non-member who could use $125 toward their tuition? They can also apply by filling in the Scholarship form and returning it to the envelope by March 5.
  • As you know I cancelled the food for the February meeting due to the National Weather Service forecast and advisories. I coulc not imagine Northwest R-1 being in session with 6 inches of snow or what I would do with chicken breasts, cassorole, salad, dinner rolls and cake for 35 people. The cost would have been $350. I appreciate all the understanding and support for my first major executive decision.

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